Chris Leflore reflects on season thus far


The following is an exclusive interview with Power defensive back Chris Leflore:

1. What was that feeling like for you when you got that seventh interception to set the Power franchise record?

“It felt great. I went four games without an interception so I got the monkey off of my back.”

2. Could you let fans know how you got/who gave you the nickname Gingabread?

“My brother gave it to me in high school. I had the best performance index (40, agility, vertical, 10) at the University of Nebraska football summer camp. My senior year no one could catch me on the field so he said you’re the Gingabread Man, ‘Run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingabread Man.’ Ginga sounds better then Ginger.”

3. What has been the thing that has made you proudest about yourself/the team this season?

“How the team continues to battle for each other, front office and our fans throughout a season filled with turmoil.”

4. What has been the thing that has made you disappointed about yourself/the team this season?

“Our record. Even though were battling, it hasn’t giving us a good record.”

5. What is your role being the guy right in front of P.J. Berry on kickoffs?

“If the ball hits the bar, make sure I control it. Other then that just block when he catches it.”

6. You guys will face the Philadelphia Soul on Sunday. They have clinched the division, but you are familiar with the team having played them once this season. What does the team need to do in order to win?

“Get a lot of turnovers and try to hold them to 50 points”

7.Switching gears, who is the funniest player on the team?

We have a lot of funny people on this team but I’ll say either Perry Baker or Bryan Williams.

8. What is your favorite thing about Pittsburgh, and why?

“The fans without a doubt. They are great and make playing football here very exciting.”

9. What is your least favorite thing about Pittsburgh, and why?

“I haven’t seen a Krispy Kreme Donuts. Not sure if they have it but if they do, there’s not enough.”

10. Is there anything you would like to add [where to follow you on Twitter, etc…]?

Yes. Please follow me on twitter @GingabreadCL. I also have a website ( which contains my bio, up to date highlights, news and contact information.”