Everyday Champions: Incredible running streak powers Midland man
By Matt Gajtka

MG: What’s the best way for someone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle to turn it around?
EC: I am healthier now at 37 than I was at 27. I’m very proud of that. People need to know that you have to use your body or you will lose it. The older you get, the faster this happens.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get fit. I laugh at the people who buy expensive gym memberships and expensive equipment. If they use them, that is wonderful. Sadly, 85 percent of those people do not follow through with their workout routine. All I have is a dog leash, running shoes, and a cheap weight set.
I tell the folks I work with that nutrition is vital to being healthy. Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand. One does not work without the other. If you have a bad eating day or miss your scheduled workout, don’t worry and don’t quit! All you have to do is eat well for more days than you eat poorly.
The same holds true for working out. Exercise more days than you don’t. Ultimately you can’t give up. Be patient because it takes time to reach any goal. Exercise and fitness are just like life. You will always have ups and downs. Again, don’t give up.
MG: How does including your dog help you keep going?
EC: Can I honestly say that I enjoy doing this everyday? The answer is “no.” But I do it anyway. I have a real desire to do it everyday. I don’t want to let Crystal down and I don’t want to let myself down.
Credit: Eric Cilli
On those days where I’m not running strong or my spirit is down, Crystal senses this and takes the lead. She pulls me through it. She has her down days as well. During the run if she starts to lag behind I give her encouragement with a “C’mon girl, good girl, let’s go,” or “You can do it.” And she responds every time.
We are a team in every sense of the word. We have a bond that words cannot describe. We get each other through on the tough days.
MG: What’s been the most rewarding part of your “streak?”
EC: Since we began this journey, I have learned much about myself and it has taught me a lot. I put myself through a little bit of hell physically every single day. It is hard. But by doing so, anything I face in life or work or whatever pales in comparison.
It has made my life easier and has given me what I believe to be a proper perspective. Life can give me all its got and I have an answer because I have already pushed myself to the brink every day!
I always keep in mind what former Detroit Lion Mike Utley said after he was paralyzed: we are made up of mind, body, and spirit. When your mind and body both tell you that you can’t do something, sometimes spirit will get you through. He was exactly on point!
I liken Utley’s “mind, body and spirit” to former NBA coach Phil Jackson’s Triangle Offense. When my mind and body tell me that I can’t make this run today – like when I ran with the flu – I relied on spirit to get me through that run. My spirit, along with Crystal’s inspiration, got me through that day. My mind and body definitely said “No way, not today.”
Keeping in mind that we are all three of those things makes us pretty unstoppable from an athletic and fitness perspective.
Thanks again to Eric for sharing his story and some photos! If you know someone who would be a good subject for a future Everyday Champions piece, please send an email to matt.gajtka@gmail.com.