Michael Vick supports local pet safety bill


Steelers quarterback Michael Vick is scheduled to meet with lawmakers to discuss a new bill that protects pets. 

Steelers quarterback Michael Vick is spearheading a Pennsylvania bill that will ramp up pet safety, according to a report by ESPN.

The report states that Vick is scheduled to meet with Pennsylvania lawmakers on Tuesday in regards to PA House Bill 1516, otherwise known as the pets in cars bill. The bill will allow law enforcement to break into vehicles to save cats and dogs deemed to be in unsafe conditions.

“I know that I’m an unlikely advocate,” Vick told ESPN through a representative. “I was part of the problem. Now, my perspective can help reach people that activists can’t reach. I can help others become agents of change.”

Vick’s new endeavor raises eyebrows among the animal rights community due to his history with animals. Vick served two years in prison back in 2007 due to federal conspiracy charges relating to his role in a dogfighting ring. When the Steelers signed Vick, the animal rights group called Justice with Animals protested the signing outside the team’s South Side facility.

Since his release from prison, Vick has publicly supported many pieces of animal rights legislation. He supported the 2014 Animal Fighting Spectator Act, which was signed into law by President Obama.

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While it is hard to fully forgive Vick’s past, he has seemingly done everything possible to try to change not only his public image but also to help animals in the future. While all of his troubles are self-imposed, many have gotten second chances and it seems Vick has done what he can to make the most of it.